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of a Woman
in the dark here...you understand...I'm in the darkkkkkkkkk"
This film stars Pacino in his OSCAR winning
role. Pacino does a very good job as a blind man who wnats to get the last
of his kicks in before he "blows his brains out." Chris O' Donnell co-stars
as Charlie, the young man who gets more than he bargins for when he takes
a Thanksgiving job taking care of a blind man. Before long Charlie befriends
Pacino's character and realizes it wasn't such a mistake taking the job.
Charlie is taken on a ride he will never forget.
In 1992 SCENT OF A WOMAN was nominated BEST PICTURE
at the ACADAMY AWARDS. Pacino won BEST ACTOR at the ACADAMY awards, plus
a BEST ACTOR AWARD at THE GOLDEN GLOBES. Pacino was well recognized for
this movie and very well so, not to mention the Pacino-Quote "HoooooHaaaaa,"
was made popular with this movie.
to Al's HOOHAA
dialogue from "Scent
of a Woman"
with DE NIRO in "HEAT".
to listen to the dialogues
A gr8 movie. Pacino is great as police detective
Vincet Hanna trying to track down big-time-thief Robert De Niro and his
crew. The scene in which De Niro and Pacino finally get on screen together
is unforgetable. "Brother, you are going down." Val Kilmer is one of De
Niro's henchmen. John Voight is the master-mind of some sort, and Ashley
Judd stars as Val's wife. Plus Nat from MAD ABOUT YOU is in this flick. If you're at this page you've most definitly
seen this movie, haven't you? If not, you better see it, it's a good one
and perhaps his best action movie.
Neil McCauley is a thief... an expert thief...
one of the best. His philosophy in life - become attached to nothing in
life that you can't walk away from if the
"Heat" is on. His crew of criminals is a high-tech outfit pulling off professional
jobs that impress even the likes of Detective
Vincent Hanna. But Hanna, a man driven through life only be his work, becomes
obsessed, at the expense of his private life,
with bringing McCauley down. As McCauley's crew prepare for the score of
a lifetime, and Hanna's team tries to bring
him in, the two find that they are challenged by the greatest minds on
the opposite side of the law that either one
has ever encountered.
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